Mike G: My Style is in Between Obnoxious and Classy 😎

Mike G: My Style is in Between Obnoxious and Classy 😎

Mike G will forever be a part of Odd Future. The collective started by Tyler, The Creator stands for Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All (OFWGKTA), highlighting the unique, abstract talent and creativity embodied in each member. Real name Michael Griffin remembers his first encounter with Tyler at the Supreme shop in La Brea back in 2008, eventually going on to chopp and screw their first mixtape — it’s been a wrap ever since.

Fast forward to 2019, the brand is strong as ever (although they don’t tour). In fact, Mike will be returning to Camp Flog Gnaw carnival for the 8th year in a row, joining some of the biggest names in music while of course, celebrating and sharing the stage with his OF family.


On top of releasing his Exile EP back in August, Mike has been busy with his own Stealth Fighter clothing brand and simply living the LA dream. King Ice caught up with Mike G to discuss his love for jewelry, his favorite pieces, and what he wants his legacy to be.

Mike G Odd Future

Talk about your love for jewelry.

At the basis of it, I really just like shiny stuff. [chuckles] I do like metals and the chemistry of it, even though I don’t understand it too much. The makeup the build of it, how you mix this metal with this metal. Designing also. To have the capital to do that is the first step, so that’s what I’m working on.. 


How would you define your style as it relates to jewelry?

My style is in between obnoxious and classy a little bit. I don’t mind mixing metals or whatever. It’s a little personal. 


What are your go-to pieces in your jewelry collection? (Something you put on with any outfit or occasion)

Definitely rings. I just got this, it’s my Green Lantern ring. I have a designer, a guy I work with. That and this Stealth Fighter piece [points to necklace]. These two things mainly. I’m working on getting a real nice watch, probably a Rolex.


What’s the most expensive jewelry you’ve ever purchased?

Definitely this Stealth Fighter chain.


How much was it?

I can’t disclose that, but I will say the price of the gold was significantly lower. 


If you could make any jewelry in the world, what would you make?

Beyond necklaces, I’d probably make a crown on something. Something really pointless for sure. 


What record label had the most iconic chain in your opinion?

To be unavoidable is like a Roc-A-Fella. But design-wise, I like how the Death Row chain was. Even Aftermath was kind of tight. 





What do you want your legacy to be?

I want people to know they can do anything. The course of my life is hard to put into words, so if I can give the same feeling to anyone else — if it makes sense to anyone else, then I feel like my job is done. Even my ambitions, if I can make that make sense to anyone else, that’s all I want.

Shirley Ju
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