Lucid Artist Quin Reveals Her Favorite Jewelry

Lucid Artist Quin Reveals Her Favorite Jewelry

Quin is the creator and founder of “fantasy soul,” which is the most fitting name for her sound. The Los Angeles native hails from Pasadena and has declared her own space in the R&B realm. From her first EP GALACTICA to DREAMGIRL to most recently, Lucid, Quin displays growth, maturity, and confidence.

The new project is spearheaded from her collaborative single with boyfriend 6lack, “Mushroom Chocolate.” The two lovebirds indefinitely created a lovers anthem for this generation and beyond.

Beyond her inner and outer beauty, Quin has fantastic taste in fashion. Whether she made her outfit herself or mix and matched pieces you’d never think would go together, her style does not go unnoticed. King Ice caught up with Quin to chat about her jewelry preferences between silver and gold.

How would you describe your jewelry as it relates to your style?

The jewelry has been a collection of gangs. I noticed I’ve been gravitating towards the browns, the greens, and the nudes. I go with what I like. I honestly could pick up some cute materials and be like “alright, I’m going to figure this out.” Tie it up into a whole outfit. I like making things out of other things just putting shit on and being like “fuck it.” 

If I’m really comfortable, I’m going to wear it for two weeks like “this is my shit right now!” I love old stuff and I love vintage, but I’m not necessarily a label person. If I see something, I won’t necessarily know the designer. I won’t really go down that lane. I just know if I see something and I fuck with it, I’m going to get it. 

Do you see yourself doing something in the fashion realm? 

Fuck yeah, I absolutely have to. I’m going to work it out. I have so many ideas, but we’re going to keep it offline. [chuckles] It’s going to be a fun world to step into. 

Silver or gold? 

Both. They have to be both. I’ll be the one to wear both at the same time, [chuckles] I don’t care. I love them both for different reasons. They’re both beautiful but I have been gold lately. That’s what I will say. 

Is there anything else you want to let us know? 

Just a reminder to get your Snoh tickets! because it’s going to be cute. New music is always going to be on the way. 

Shirley Ju
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